Source code for artemis.experiments.decorators

from collections import OrderedDict

from artemis.experiments.experiment_record_view import show_record, compare_experiment_records
from artemis.experiments.experiments import Experiment
from artemis.general.display import sensible_str
from artemis.general.should_be_builtins import uniquify_duplicates, izip_equal

[docs]def experiment_function(f): """ Use this decorator (@experiment_function) on a function that you want to run. e.g. .. code-block:: python @experiment_function def demo_my_experiment(a=1, b=2, c=3): ... This turns your function demo_my_experiment into an experiment. It can still be called as a normal function, but it now has can also be called with the methods of an Experiment object (eg. """ return ExperimentFunction()(f)
[docs]def experiment_root(f): """ Use this decorator on a function that you want to build variants off of: .. code-block:: python @experiment_root def demo_my_experiment(a, b=2, c=3): ... The root experiment is not runnable by itself, and will not appear in the list in the browse experiments UI, but you can call ``demo_my_experiment.add_variant(...)`` to create runnable variants. """ return ExperimentFunction(is_root=True)(f)
[docs]class ExperimentFunction(object): """ This is the most general decorator. You can use this to add details on the experiment. """
[docs] def __init__(self, show = show_record, compare = compare_experiment_records, display_function=None, comparison_function=None, one_liner_function=sensible_str, is_root=False): """ :param show: A function that is called when you "show" an experiment record in the UI. It takes an experiment record as an argument. :param compare: A function that is called when you "compare" a set of experiment records in the UI. :param display_function: [Deprecated] A function that takes the results (whatever your experiment returns) and displays them. :param comparison_function: [Deprecated] A function that takes an OrderedDict<experiment_name, experiment_return_value>. You can optionally define this function to compare the results of different experiments. You can use call this via the UI with the compare_experiment_results command. :param one_liner_function: A function that takes your results and returns a 1 line string summarizing them. :param is_root: True to make this a root experiment - so that it is not listed to be run itself. """ = show = compare if display_function is not None: assert show is show_record, "You can't set both display function and show. (display_function is deprecated)" show = lambda rec: display_function(rec.get_result()) if comparison_function is not None: assert compare is compare_experiment_records, "You can't set both display function and show. (display_function is deprecated)" def compare(records): record_experiment_ids_uniquified = uniquify_duplicates(rec.get_experiment_id() for rec in records) comparison_function(OrderedDict((unique_rid, rec.get_result()) for unique_rid, rec in izip_equal(record_experiment_ids_uniquified, records))) = show = compare self.is_root = is_root self.one_liner_function = one_liner_function
def __call__(self, f): f.is_base_experiment = True ex = Experiment( name=f.__name__, function=f,, compare =, one_liner_function=self.one_liner_function, is_root=self.is_root ) return ex