Source code for artemis.plotting.db_plotting

from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from functools import partial

from six import string_types

from artemis.config import get_artemis_config_value
from artemis.general.checkpoint_counter import Checkpoints
from artemis.plotting.matplotlib_backend import BarPlot, BoundingBoxPlot
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.gridspec import SubplotSpec
from contextlib import contextmanager
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from artemis.plotting.drawing_plots import redraw_figure
from artemis.plotting.expanding_subplots import select_subplot
from artemis.plotting.matplotlib_backend import get_plot_from_data, TextPlot, MovingPointPlot, Moving2DPointPlot, \
    MovingImagePlot, HistogramPlot, CumulativeLineHistogram
from artemis.plotting.matplotlib_backend import LinePlot, ImagePlot, is_server_plotting_on

if is_server_plotting_on():
    from artemis.remote.plotting.plotting_client import deconstruct_plotting_server

__author__ = 'peter'

dbplot just takes your data, and plots it.  No fuss, no muss.  No more thinking about what kind plot to use, or how to
make updating plots of changing variables.  Just dbplot it.

    dbplot(data, 'my-data')

dbplot will look at your data, and figure out which type of plot is appropriate.  If you don't like it, you can
customize it, using the plot_type argument.

dbplot makes online plotting easy.  You want to plot updates to your variable?  Just dbplot it.

    dbplot(var, 'my-var')
    dbplot(updated_var, 'my-var')

See for some demos of what dbplot can do.

[docs]def dbplot(data, name = None, plot_type = None, axis=None, plot_mode = 'live', draw_now = True, hang = False, title=None, fig = None, xlabel = None, ylabel = None, draw_every = None, layout=None, legend=None, grid=False, wait_for_display_sec=0, cornertext = None, reset_color_cycle = False): """ Plot arbitrary data and continue execution. This program tries to figure out what type of plot to use. :param data: Any data. Hopefully, we at dbplot will be able to figure out a plot for it. :param name: A name uniquely identifying this plot. :param plot_type: A specialized constructor to be used the first time when plotting. You can also pass certain string to give hints as to what kind of plot you want (can resolve cases where the given data could be plotted in multiple ways): 'line': Plots a line plot 'img': An image plot 'colour': A colour image plot 'pic': A picture (no scale bars, axis labels, etc). :param axis: A string identifying which axis to plot on. By default, it is the same as "name". Only use this argument if you indend to make multiple dbplots share the same axis. :param plot_mode: Influences how the data should be used to choose the plot type: 'live': Best for 'live' plots that you intend to update as new data arrives 'static': Best for 'static' plots, that you do not intend to update 'image': Try to represent the plot as an image :param draw_now: Draw the plot now (you may choose false if you're going to add another plot immediately after and don't want have to draw this one again. :param hang: Hang on the plot (wait for it to be closed before continuing) :param title: Title of the plot (will default to name if not included) :param fig: Name of the figure - use this when you want to create multiple figures. :param grid: Turn the grid on :param wait_for_display_sec: In server mode, you can choose to wait maximally wait_for_display_sec seconds before this call returns. In case plotting is finished earlier, the call returns earlier. Setting wait_for_display_sec to a negative number will cause the call to block until the plot has been displayed. """ if is_server_plotting_on(): # Redirect the function call to the plotting server. The flag gets turned on in a configuration file. It is # turned off when this file is run ON the plotting server, from the first line in arg_locals = locals().copy() from artemis.remote.plotting.plotting_client import dbplot_remotely dbplot_remotely(arg_locals=arg_locals) return if isinstance(fig, plt.Figure): assert None not in _DBPLOT_FIGURES, "If you pass a figure, you can only do it on the first call to dbplot (for now)" _DBPLOT_FIGURES[None] = _PlotWindow(figure=fig, subplots=OrderedDict(), axes={}) fig = None elif fig not in _DBPLOT_FIGURES or not plt.fignum_exists(_DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].figure.number): # Second condition handles closed figures. _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig] = _PlotWindow(figure = _make_dbplot_figure(), subplots=OrderedDict(), axes = {}) if fig is not None: _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].figure.canvas.set_window_title(fig) suplot_dict = _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots if axis is None: axis=name if name not in suplot_dict: # Initialize new axis if isinstance(plot_type, str): plot = PLOT_CONSTRUCTORS[plot_type]() elif isinstance(plot_type, tuple): assert len(plot_type)==2 and isinstance(plot_type[0], str) and isinstance(plot_type[1], dict), 'If you specify a tuple for plot_type, we expect (name, arg_dict). Got: {}'.format(plot_type) plot_type_name, plot_type_args = plot_type plot = PLOT_CONSTRUCTORS[plot_type_name](**plot_type_args) elif plot_type is None: plot = get_plot_from_data(data, mode=plot_mode) else: assert hasattr(plot_type, "__call__") plot = plot_type() if isinstance(axis, SubplotSpec): axis = plt.subplot(axis) if isinstance(axis, Axes): ax = axis ax_name = str(axis) elif isinstance(axis, string_types) or axis is None: ax = select_subplot(axis, fig=_DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].figure, layout=_default_layout if layout is None else layout) ax_name = axis # ax.set_title(axis) else: raise Exception("Axis specifier must be a string, an Axis object, or a SubplotSpec object. Not {}".format(axis)) if ax_name not in _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].axes: ax.set_title(name) _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots[name] = _Subplot(axis=ax, plot_object=plot) _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].axes[ax_name] = ax _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots[name] = _Subplot(axis=_DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].axes[ax_name], plot_object=plot)[fig].axes[ax_name]) if xlabel is not None: _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots[name].axis.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots[name].axis.set_ylabel(ylabel) if draw_every is not None: _draw_counters[fig, name] = Checkpoints(draw_every) if grid: plt.grid() plot = _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots[name].plot_object if reset_color_cycle: get_dbplot_axis(axis_name=axis, fig=fig).set_color_cycle(None) plot.update(data) # Update Labels... if cornertext is not None: if not hasattr(_DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].figure, '__cornertext'): _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].figure.__cornertext = next(iter(_DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots.values())).axis.annotate(cornertext, xy=(0, 0), xytext=(0.01, 0.98), textcoords='figure fraction') else: _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].figure.__cornertext.set_text(cornertext) if title is not None: _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots[name].axis.set_title(title) if legend is not None: _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots[name].axis.legend(legend, loc='best', framealpha=0.5) if draw_now and not _hold_plots and (draw_every is None or ((fig, name) not in _draw_counters) or _draw_counters[fig, name]()): plot.plot() if hang: plt.figure(_DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].figure.number) else: redraw_figure(_DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].figure) return _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots[name].axis
_PlotWindow = namedtuple('PlotWindow', ['figure', 'subplots', 'axes']) _Subplot = namedtuple('Subplot', ['axis', 'plot_object']) _DBPLOT_FIGURES = {} # An dict<figure_name: _PlotWindow(figure, OrderedDict<subplot_name:_Subplot>)> _DEFAULT_SIZE = get_artemis_config_value(section='plotting', option='default_fig_size', default_generator=lambda: (10, 8), write_default=True, read_method='eval') _draw_counters = {} _hold_plots = False _hold_plot_counter = None _default_layout = 'grid' PLOT_CONSTRUCTORS = { 'line': LinePlot, 'thick-line': partial(LinePlot, plot_kwargs={'linewidth': 3}), 'pos_line': partial(LinePlot, y_bounds=(0, None), y_bound_extend=(0, 0.05)), 'bbox': partial(BoundingBoxPlot, linewidth=2, axes_update_mode='expand'), 'bbox_r': partial(BoundingBoxPlot, linewidth=2, color='r', axes_update_mode='expand'), 'bbox_b': partial(BoundingBoxPlot, linewidth=2, color='b', axes_update_mode='expand'), 'bbox_g': partial(BoundingBoxPlot, linewidth=2, color='g', axes_update_mode='expand'), 'bar': BarPlot, 'img': ImagePlot, 'cimg': partial(ImagePlot, channel_first=True), 'line_history': MovingPointPlot, 'img_stable': partial(ImagePlot, only_grow_clims=True), 'colour': partial(ImagePlot, is_colour_data=True), 'equal_aspect': partial(ImagePlot, aspect='equal'), 'image_history': MovingImagePlot, 'fixed_line_history': partial(MovingPointPlot, buffer_len=100), 'pic': partial(ImagePlot, show_clims=False, aspect='equal'), 'notice': partial(TextPlot, max_history=1, horizontal_alignment='center', vertical_alignment='center', size='x-large'), 'cost': partial(MovingPointPlot, y_bounds=(0, None), y_bound_extend=(0, 0.05)), 'percent': partial(MovingPointPlot, y_bounds=(0, 100)), 'trajectory': partial(Moving2DPointPlot, axes_update_mode='expand'), 'trajectory+': partial(Moving2DPointPlot, axes_update_mode='expand', x_bounds=(0, None), y_bounds=(0, None)), 'histogram': partial(HistogramPlot, edges = np.linspace(-5, 5, 20)), 'cumhist': partial(CumulativeLineHistogram, edges = np.linspace(-5, 5, 20)), } def reset_dbplot(): if is_server_plotting_on(): deconstruct_plotting_server() else: for fig_name, plot_window in list(_DBPLOT_FIGURES.items()): plt.close(plot_window.figure) del _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig_name] def set_dbplot_figure_size(width, height): global _DEFAULT_SIZE _DEFAULT_SIZE = (width, height) def set_dbplot_default_layout(layout): global _default_layout _default_layout = layout def get_dbplot_figure(name=None): return _DBPLOT_FIGURES[name].figure def get_dbplot_subplot(name, fig_name=None): return _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig_name].subplots[name].axis def _make_dbplot_figure(): if _DEFAULT_SIZE is None: fig= plt.figure() else: fig= plt.figure(figsize=_DEFAULT_SIZE) # This is broken in matplotlib2 for some reason return fig def freeze_dbplot(name, fig = None): del _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots[name] def freeze_all_dbplots(fig = None): for name in _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots.keys(): freeze_dbplot(name, fig=fig) def replot_and_redraw_figure(fig): for subplot in _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots.values(): plt.subplot(subplot.axis) subplot.plot_object.plot() redraw_figure(_DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].figure) @contextmanager def hold_dbplots(fig = None, draw_every = None): """ Use this in a "with" statement to prevent plotting until the end. :param fig: :return: """ if is_server_plotting_on(): # For now, this does nothing. Eventually, it should be made to send a "draw" command through the pipe yield return global _hold_plots _old_hold_state = _hold_plots _hold_plots = True yield _hold_plots = _old_hold_state if _old_hold_state: plot_now = False elif draw_every is not None: global _hold_plot_counter if _hold_plot_counter is None: _hold_plot_counter = Checkpoints(draw_every) plot_now = _hold_plot_counter() else: plot_now = True if plot_now and fig in _DBPLOT_FIGURES: replot_and_redraw_figure(fig) def clear_dbplot(fig = None): if fig in _DBPLOT_FIGURES: plt.figure(_DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].figure.number) plt.clf() _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].subplots.clear() _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].axes.clear() def get_dbplot_axis(axis_name, fig=None): """ Get the named axis of a dbplot. """ return _DBPLOT_FIGURES[fig].axes[axis_name] def dbplot_hang(): def dbplot_collection(collection, name, axis = None, draw_every=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a collection of items in one go. :param collection: :param name: :param kwargs: :return: """ with hold_dbplots(draw_every=draw_every): if isinstance(collection, (list, tuple)): for i, el in enumerate(collection): dbplot(el, '{}[{}]'.format(name, i), axis='{}[{}]'.format(axis, i) if axis is not None else None, **kwargs)